I’m Thandi.
I like cats.
*Correction: I LOVE cats!

Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. I married my best friend, we got a fur baby and built a home.
MmmBetty Photography & Stationery Design was founded in 2012. Taking photos has been a passion of mine since I was a child. I love traveling, meeting new people and capturing special moments.
To see the world together has always been important to us. In 2017 we decided to pack up our little family (fur child included) and move to the Netherlands. Scary? We know.
Soon after making Utrecht, the Netherlands our new home, mmmBetty.com Photography was relaunched. A lot of hard work (and late night editing) has been put into my company to get it to this point and I have never been prouder! I love surrounding myself with adorable children and beautiful families so I hope to hear from all you beautiful people soon.
Take your time to have a look at my different photo session packages and contact me for more information or if you have questions.
Thandi x